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Our Aim and Objectives

    To construct and maintain public toilet in the interest of the General public and state.

    To act as a cleaning house of information for voluntary organization concerning their activities and programmes and         generally to assist such organizations in the preparation and processing of suitable project proposals for achieving         the objectives referred above.

    To undertake and participate in the development programmes with focus on the disadvantaged, including         environmental regeneration, sanitation, health, education, employment and income generation, fuel and energy         management.

    To asses human an-environment interaction in different ecosystems with the objectives of promoting         environmentally sound development activities.

    To promote and undertake the development of technology appropriate to local situations and in the context of         larger environmental and social concerns.

    To promote and foster sound management practices in planning, design and implementation of human settlements,         shelter projects and programmes.

    To promote sound environment management practices.

    To supply plants to the general public for planting and guide them the planting methods and the necessity.

    To take necessary steps for improving the environmental conditions in the city areas with the help of government         authorities.

    To conduct cleaning programmes in rural and urban areas.

    To device modes and means to cure all kinds of pollution and to set up facilities in this regard.

    To establish facilities for checking soil-erosion and to device methods, for improvement, development and         betterment of agricultural land.

    To establish institution and other facilities for protetion of environment.

    To make correspondence in lawful manner to arrange meetings, conferencies, seminars with the concerned         government authorities for the solution of the social problems of members of the society.

    To perform all such acts, as must be necessary for the achivement and accomplishment of the above mentioned         aims and objectives. Align social activation and services.

    The Jurisdiction of the society will be over Karnataka.

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